We've been home now for 3.5 days and the jetlag is finally starting to wear off. There were moments over the last couple of days where we would just nod off mid-sentence sometimes the thought of having to stand up to walk across the room to pick up a toy or get a bottle or go to the bathroom was contemplated for 20 minutes before anything happened. The spaced out, tripped out feeling is one thing but add to that the constant bending over and picking up Sadie or the up and down of laying on the floor with her in all manner of odd positions playing, chasing, comforting, fetching, etc. and now we're hurting all over. I was in decent shape before the trip but I feel as though I've been in intense training for the last 48 hours. We do constant squats, up and down, so my upper legs and butt are hurting big time. My shoulders and back ache as well. But its a total gas.
We didn't eat much from Thursday to Saturday. I didn't eat anything at all on Friday - it was just too much trouble. Between keeping up with Sadie who's crawling now and jetlagged too so she's irritable as hell and melting down a lot, cooking food for ourselves just hasn't happened. The advice we received before we left to prepare a lot of food that can be frozen and easily heated up was ignored and now we're regretting it big time. We don't have any family close by either so the last few days we've been on our own. I would say if you can have someone help you out for the first few days back - do it.

The first 3 nights she woke up at midnight and 3 screaming bloody murder. She had never done this in China so we were totally confused. We got up with her and tried to comfort her but she wasn't having it. We figured out she's teething and dealing with the jetlag. I feel bad for our neighbors but I'm happy she's got such a powerful set of lungs. Sometimes when she screams my ear drums vibrate and hurt. Its awesome. I'm going to record her scream and use it in a song. But still, the neighbors have to be bumming. Too bad. I've listened to their drunken 3 AM parties and the bad music they blast plenty of times and never complained.
Speaking of music, the first song she ever "danced" to appropriately enough was Family Affair by Sly and the Family Stone. I think her favorite Beatle song is Love Me Do.
So, like, I'm a Sadie addict! More more more! (But it's okay if you get some sleep and eat some food first).
Love cyn.
dancing to Sly and The Beatles!! AWESOME man! She's got rhythm and taste already!
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