Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sadie's Sick

Sadie has had a fever, cough and cold for the last four days. Our usually goofy girl would lie listless on the floor and moan. She has vomited on us, peed on us and has used us a human snot rag. If that's not love and bonding, than I don't know what is. It was pretty scary when her fever would spike but modern medicine has brought us all some comfort as did our pediatrician and friends. And then I got sick too. I think I'm a day behind Sadie in getting better. In our attempt to divert Sadie from her sickness, we took walks in the neighorhood and introduced her to PBS. Hey, when you sick, there are no rules. She wasn't that interested in the TV but she now knows how to use the remote. She also helped make Greg's first Father's Day card. Her handprint looks very nice. I'm going to keep this entry short. I'm feeling the need to lie on the floor and moan a bit like Sadie.

Sadie's Top Favorite Things To Do So Far
1. Eat cheerios from a cup, the table, the floor, the seat of her stroller, etc.
2. Eat veggie booty.
3. Get up on the couch and fall backwards into the unknown.
4. Take a bath and then roll around on the bed, stretch and giggle. It's extra special if she can hold her diaper ointment tube while doing this.
5. Look at dogs. All sizes and breeds.
6. Watch older kids.
7. Hold a cell phone up to her ear and babble.
8. Play with the remote. She really likes the blue button. I hope she's not ordering movies...
9. Look at her book about babies.
10. Chew on her toes.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sadie's diaper

We just found out that we have been putting Sadie's diaper on backwards since we met her. Greg and I were sure that Elmo was upfront and center and not relegated to the back of the butt. There was never any question in our mind. All is well now and we thank our buddies up in Sleepy Hollow for setting us straight.

It has been a mere six days that we have had Sadie in NYC and there have been many firsts for her already. She met her first horse courtesy of a nice policeman that patrols our neighborhood, she saw her first butterfly which we met on the path to our apartment building, she had her first experience with sand (doesn't like it) and heard her first rock concert below her bedroom window. The music wasn't that good and I was pissed at the loudness. It was Sadie's bedtime and nobody messes with me on that one unless the music is worthy.

Sadie has explored every inch of the apartment. In all fairness, it didn't take that long. Her favorite things to do are to wiggle her tongue, shake back and forth to music, attempt to feed herself, read her book about babies every day on the hour, lift things that make her parents nervous, walk with help, and pucker her mouth when she eats fruit. She loves the bath and her toes.

She has been poked by neighorhood kids in the playground and has met a sweet little girl of about four who declared upon meeting us that she was "a fairy." She pulled out a compact and lipstick from a Sephora bag to prove it. There must have been some kind of promotion in our neighborhood that day.

The jet lag is getting better, almost feel recovered. Sadie's visit to the doctor went well. She's all clear on her medical tests and even earned a prize for being a good sport when they drew her blood for testing. Greg and I hit the bed soon after Sadie does and it feels good. After a beer.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


We've been home now for 3.5 days and the jetlag is finally starting to wear off. There were moments over the last couple of days where we would just nod off mid-sentence sometimes the thought of having to stand up to walk across the room to pick up a toy or get a bottle or go to the bathroom was contemplated for 20 minutes before anything happened. The spaced out, tripped out feeling is one thing but add to that the constant bending over and picking up Sadie or the up and down of laying on the floor with her in all manner of odd positions playing, chasing, comforting, fetching, etc. and now we're hurting all over. I was in decent shape before the trip but I feel as though I've been in intense training for the last 48 hours. We do constant squats, up and down, so my upper legs and butt are hurting big time. My shoulders and back ache as well. But its a total gas.

We didn't eat much from Thursday to Saturday. I didn't eat anything at all on Friday - it was just too much trouble. Between keeping up with Sadie who's crawling now and jetlagged too so she's irritable as hell and melting down a lot, cooking food for ourselves just hasn't happened. The advice we received before we left to prepare a lot of food that can be frozen and easily heated up was ignored and now we're regretting it big time. We don't have any family close by either so the last few days we've been on our own. I would say if you can have someone help you out for the first few days back - do it.

On Friday Sadie had her first pediatrician visit and she's in great shape. She's right on target for her age in all the various milestones and measurements and ahead in a few too. We're so relieved. She hasn't been sleeping much due to the jetlag but other than that she's fit. We're so lucky. We have to take her back to the pediatrician tomorrow to get the results from her TB test and to hand off the stool samples which will be checked for parasites.

The first 3 nights she woke up at midnight and 3 screaming bloody murder. She had never done this in China so we were totally confused. We got up with her and tried to comfort her but she wasn't having it. We figured out she's teething and dealing with the jetlag. I feel bad for our neighbors but I'm happy she's got such a powerful set of lungs. Sometimes when she screams my ear drums vibrate and hurt. Its awesome. I'm going to record her scream and use it in a song. But still, the neighbors have to be bumming. Too bad. I've listened to their drunken 3 AM parties and the bad music they blast plenty of times and never complained.

Speaking of music, the first song she ever "danced" to appropriately enough was Family Affair by Sly and the Family Stone. I think her favorite Beatle song is Love Me Do.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The blog posts from China

Apparently none of the posts I made in China except the one from Beijing published. They are all published now. Two reasons for this; one, the blog interface was all in Chinese characters on the computers we were using so I was guessing a lot when I clicked on a button or link. If the post appeared in the list of posts then I figured it was live. Two, we couldn't see the actual blog in China due to censorship I guess so we never knew if it was live or not. We would get emails from people saying the blog was great so I figured it was working.

Apologies for the late publishing of the posts but again, they are all there now and are in chronological order.

This photo is of Sadie and I in the Hong Kong airport right after passing through the country exit check. When the Chinese official working the exit check station was going through our documents Sadie was banging herself on the head with a stacking cup and drooling. I'm sure the guy was impressed and happy we were taking this little nut-job back to the States.

The long flight home

Yesterday we flew from Guangzhou to Hong Kong to Newark. The first flight from Guangzhou to Hong Kong left at 8:25 AM and was about an hour. After a brief lay over in HK we took off for Newark. That flight was 15.5 hours. It was hell. We knew it was going to be bad but we had no idea how bad until about 45 minutes after takeoff when the cabin lights were off in all the other parts of the airplane except for the rear cabin where we sat. The flight crew could not get the lights off or turn off the air conditioner in our cabin so it was bright as day the whole time and really cold. Needless to say the babies and parents sitting in this section - including us - were wigging out.

Sadie probably screamed and cried for 10 of the 15.5 hours. She would not sleep and the more tired she got the more wired and cranky she became. We walked her up and down the aisles of the plane to entertain her but she grew bored with that too. We fed her cheerios constantly which mollified her but only so much. She finally conked out about hour 11 for a 2 hour nap. We made a little tent out of the airline blankets to shield her from the light but the noise in the cabin was intense and nonstop. The kid behind us, a boy about 3 was melting down hourly with shrieking screaming. The guy sitting right in front of me coughed constantly every 30 seconds or so. Sadie was laying between Jackie and I - we had 3 seats together on the right side of the plane but with Sadie going nuts between us - constantly throwing herself back and forth between us and with 2 carry-on bags on the floor at our feet it was really uncomfortable and tedious.

To make matters worse, the flight crew were a bunch of bitter old ladies who should have retired a long time ago. One particularly nasty shrew commented loudly to the other shrews that if the passengers didn't like the lights they could put on their sun glasses. She didn't know I was standing in the back next to the galley with Sadie. Another time one of the nasty hags said she was going to turn off the entire flight attendant call system because she was "tired" of people ringing for service. I'll never fly Continental again.

But despite all this at the end of the long flight we were so charged and happy to get off the plane on American soil with our baby. Mission accomplished as the saying goes. Walking through the terminal to immigration and customs with Sadie were the happiest moments of our lives. We did it. We couldn't believe it. We traveled to the other side of the world and came home with a baby and the baby is ours forever. We're a family now. Incredible.

First family photo on American soil.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Last day in Guangzhou

Today we go to the US consulate for the swearing in. This will be the last official piece of business we have to do. We leave the hotel at 6 tomorrow morning. A new group of people arrived last night who are adopting from this province, Guangdong, so they get to spend the bulk of their trip here at the White Swan. Nice. We met a family from this group this morning and we're going to give them our stroller we bought at the walmart in Nanchang. It was 179 RMB which is approx $21.

Yesterday was Sadie's birthday and we had a nice party in the lobby bar overlooking the river. Sadie wore her tiger hat for the whole party. Our agency bought her a nice cake. It was really nice to be able to share her first birthday with all her cousins. The tiger hat is worn by children on their first birthday because it captures all the good luck, long life and happiness gifts raining down from heaven between the ears of the hat. I think Sadie captured a lot of those good vibes yesterday.

At least one of the parents in each family in our group is sick now. There's a nasty sore throat/cold going around. Jackie had it be is getting better. If I had to give one piece of advice to families coming over I'd say bring a lot of medicine for yourselves and the baby. Tylenol, ear drops, antibiotics (don't let anyone tell you not to bring the antibiotics - when you or your baby is sick in the third world you'll be extremely happy you have them). Don't bring a lot of diapers or baby food because you can get all of that here. Don't bring a stroller either.

In Beijing, Nanchang and Guangzhou we had no trouble buying all the western gear we needed from medicine to candy. And most of the people who work in the stores speak english. You should definitely bring a laptop too. The hotel computers mostly suck, are slow, in Chinese and are sticky to the touch. Today I got lucky with this computer - it works well and is in English. Its well worth the extra lugging around you'll have to do and you'll save yourself a lot of RMB and frustration if you bring your own computer.

Tomorrow is going to be rough. I'm dreading the two flights we have to take but its comforting to know there will be many other families returning from China on the flights and they'll all have screaming kids with them. But tomorrow night Sadie sleeps in her own crib in NYC.

Sadie's birthday

We are on our way to a group photo on the infamous red couch at the White Swan hotel and then it's a birthday celebration for our Sadie. She is wearing red shoes, lovely purple Chinese clothes and a clean diaper. She's set. It's hard to believe that we have only had Sadie less than eight days. Simply amazing. She is curious and finds interest in the fluff on the floor to the lights on the elevator. She is teething now and her cold is still with us all.

The heat outside the hotel is intense, like wading through cotton soaked in soup. The hotel is on an island and boats and people pass by thoughout the day. We explore the streets outside the hotel for as long as Sadie and us can take it. With a teething biscuit in hand, she can go far longer than Greg or I.

Our paperwork is in the U.S. Embassy, tomorrow we go to our swearing ceremony where we promise to love and educate our tub of love monkey, Sadie. Then we start the trek home at 6 a.m. on Wednesday. Not even Sadie is awake at that hour.

We are off to party!


Saturday, June 03, 2006

arrived in Guangzhou

we arrived in Guangzhou last night in a driving rain and lightening storm. It was a hectic flight and luggage wrestling match before we even got on the bus. It was the usual insane driving on the highway made that much more insane by the raging storm complete with blinding lightening bolts and angry truck drivers. Completely rattled we arrived at the White Swan hotel and were relieved to find a true oasis of western comfort and decadence. The hotel is without question the swankiest of the trip so far. Richard Nixon stayed here many times. There are USA Today papers, Guiness and Hagen Daz. Damn. It almost feels like we're on vacation.

Sadie is 100% better and is no longer coughing or wheezing. She started crawling today. We're amazed and delighted. She's got a giant personality and on the plane charmed the last several rows of Chinese guys. The guys were passing her around and she was loving it. It was kind of nuts actually.

She got her first check up at a Chinese medical facility this morning. It was weird of course because of the language thing and she has a rash on her neck the I was worried might be chicken pox - oh yeah, forgot to mention there was a kid who came from a different orphanage that had chicken pox. AND THEY WERE IN THE ROOM NEXT DOOR TO US FOR 4 DAYS!. We were so pissed off when we found out. There's an MD in our group who was across the hall from the chicken pox kid and he was extremely upset as well. The kid was 'quarantined' as much as possible but we were scared she would be on our flight - thank God she wasn't. However the kid is here now in the White Swan.

Sadie's rash is not chicken pox, just heat rash. Its about 80 degrees and 110% humidity. Intense. I'm sitting in the back of souvenier store using these nice people's computer for free. I spent $42 American on stuff, fyi. I'm soaked with sweat and there's a loud fan blowing down on me. The keyboard is really sticky and all the letters are worn off. There are two girls in the front making beautiful carvings in glass. The shop girl who sold me the stuff and let me use the computer said Sadie is a "spice girl" because she comes from Jiangxi province where the food is spicy.

Anyway, Jackie says she'll write some tomorrow. There is so much to tell, it's hard to get it all out on a borrowed computer.