Sadie has had a fever, cough and cold for the last four days. Our usually goofy girl would lie listless on the floor and moan. She has vomited on us, peed on us and has used us a human snot rag. If that's not love and bonding, than I don't know what is. It was pretty scary when her fever would spike but modern medicine has brought us all some comfort as did our pediatrician and friends. And then I got sick too. I think I'm a day behind Sadie in getting better. In our attempt to divert Sadie from her sickness, we took walks in the neighorhood and introduced her to PBS. Hey, when you sick, there are no rules. She wasn't that interested in the TV but she now knows how to use the remote. She also helped make Greg's first Father's Day card. Her handprint looks very nice. I'm going to keep this entry short. I'm feeling the need to lie on the floor and moan a bit like Sadie.
Sadie's Top Favorite Things To Do So Far

1. Eat cheerios from a cup, the table, the floor, the seat of her stroller, etc.
2. Eat veggie booty.
3. Get up on the couch and fall backwards into the unknown.
4. Take a bath and then roll around on the bed, stretch and giggle. It's extra special if she can hold her diaper ointment tube while doing this.
5. Look at dogs. All sizes and breeds.
6. Watch older kids.
7. Hold a cell phone up to her ear and babble.
8. Play with the remote. She really likes the blue button. I hope she's not ordering movies...
9. Look at her book about babies.
10. Chew on her toes.