Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sadie's with us now

Its actually kind of hard to put this down but Sadie is with us and she's incredible. Such a sweetheart. Full of life, funny, rowdy, incredibly cute and so sweet. The hand off was harsh, it was in a conference room in the hotel. We were the last family to get our baby. Sadie went to Jackie right away but warily. It was hard to watch the expression on her face - sheer terror - as we took her out of the room and away from her caregivers who were all calling her name "Yan Yan". In the lobby and up in the elevator she was terrified and wet. In the room she didn't cry just looked terrified. We took her to the window, gave her a block with a bell in it. We had to feed her because we were told she was hungry. I made the mix of rice and formula and she sat in Jackie's lap and started to suck on the bottle. She ate a bit then pushed it away and started to cry. We figured she was uncomfortable so we changed her. That was a hysterical. It took the both of us to wrestle her out of her long johns and get her shoes and socks off then wipe her down and smear on the cream. I approached cream part like I was icing a cake which I realized was probably way too much but Sadie didn't seem to mind. We got the diaper on, another first and then put her into a short sleeved one piecer and a pair of plaid pants and she was ready to go. We went back to the chair and tried the bottle but she wasn't having it. I opened a jar of mixed fruit baby food and tried gave her some and she loved it. It took her a few spoonfuls to get the hang of it but she was definitely digging the new taste sensation. She chowed about a quarter of a jar then wanted to play. She came right to life after getting some of the jarred food. She played which her block and her little knit doll we gave her. We showed her the window and all the traffic down below - she loved it. I held her and she grabbed my neck. She didn't cry.
We put her on the bed and kept playing with her block and feeding her the jarred food. Her mood kept getting better and better. It was an amazing transformation. She finally started to laugh and squeal when we ticked her feet or scratched the bed in front of her. You could see her start to get attached - or maybe just fixed - on Jackie right during that first 45 minutes. She kept getting happier and happier. It was incredible. We then had to go down to the conference room to fill out paper work. We took Sadie down in her bare feet and short sleeved shirt and plaid pants and she was totally happy. Once in the room her mood stayed fine and she smiled and laughed at the other people. All the other babies were there and some were eating or crying or spacing out. It was great. Our case worker was a bit blown away I think by Sadie's mood and goofball antics. It was amazing.
After the paper work we took Sadie back upstairs for the next challenge - putting her to bed. We tried to give the bottle again but she didn't want it. We put her in the crib and she fussed around and tried to get. We laid her back down, stroked her cheeks and she mellowed right out. She got up again and I laid her down one more time, stroked her cheeks for a while and she calmed down. We had the lights out and she went to sleep. I can't believe how lucky we are Sadie is such a good baby.
She's got a cold and respiratory thing and is blowing snot and drooling and wheezing but she's alright. She's feisty as hell.
I can't wait for tomorrow but we have no idea what to do once she wakes up. I know we'll have to try the bottle again. Tonight she ate a whole jar of food.
Anyway, so far so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site. You made me get teary eyed.

I'm happy for you!

Cousin Scot.

(Wlodarczak that is!)