Its finally gotten really cold in the city and Sadie is taking it in stride. So far she doesn't put up too much of a fuss when we put on her hat and mittens. I'm sure that will change but for now its good.
Sadie has been seeing Christmas trees since late October and now she finally has one in her own living room. She doesn't pay it much mind, occasionally stopping to poke at an ornament but otherwise its just another big "flower" for her to smell and admire when she notices it.

Jackie has been putting together Sadie photo albums in chronological order and its amazing to see how little she was just back in June. Looking at the China pictures it feels like we were just there. I can't believe how much Sadie is changing.
Today Sadie is at her first birthday party. A girl a bit older than Sadie who lives in our building is having the party at an indoor gym in Tribeca. I hope Sadie leaves some cake for the other kids.